Creation of an academy for cooperation and peace among peoples
The creators of the Manifesto are free citizens of the world coming from professional experience and commitment in the diplomatic, business, welfare systems and third sector. The proposal for an academy for cooperation and peace among peoples stems from some considerations and from the desire of the same to promote every possible action, for reflection, evolution and overcoming of the serious situations in progress, at the global level:
Man in his evolution, at any level, has always repudiated war and has been forced to do so by circumstances, elements, visions generated by third interests brought back to the personal or territorial sphere, to conflicts of groups, to the interests of lobbies and powers.
Centuries of history, of economic, industrial, geographical and social transformation, have created situations of well-being, but also determined, involution, destruction and destructuring of relationships, social and natural resources with the emergency problems that we face daily.
Culture, spirituality, religions, in many moments have represented moments of conflict between peoples where a political-ideological use is made of the same.
The best minds, the most modern skills, scientists of all subjects, in every part of the world, have almost always remained unheard, sometimes isolated, and relegated to secondary roles, because they represent a free thought, not conditioned and not belonging to power groups.
Cooperation has become the instrument behind which the desire to dominate and dominate defenceless peoples is concealed. Even the use of support in the most fragile territories has remained relegated to the transfer and use of economic resources, to reaffirm the logic of power; The cultural and scientific transfer of results has become the heritage only of those who used it for actions of globalization of markets, uses and customs, with the pure intention of making them ineffective by standardizing our societies, not valuing the diversity and richness of individual areas.
We have been and are inundated with words, techniques, policies, models, procedures and processes that are often inconsistent, or violent, unusual, that cancel reason, intelligence, minds, with the predominance of ignorance and disinformation.
Actions to build a better world require objectives for which the dispersion of resources and energies, at any level, is no longer sustainable, not favoring processes of inclusion and elimination of inequalities by enhancing their differences.
Today’s human beings need more than ever “a new quality of life” in its most accentuated and original formulations, through the possibility of living in harmony with their fellow men, with adequate resources and in their own socio-economic contexts; Peoples have the right to integrated development through the transfer of “useful” processes of cooperation, which presuppose peace and development, in an inclusive society, in step with fragility.
We propose therefore
Creation of an academy and several academies for cooperation and peace among peoples
To the free citizens of the world, to the social, intellectual, economic, voluntary world and to women and men of good will, in whatever nation they are, to sign the manifesto for the creation of an academy and several academies for cooperation and peace among peoples, building real synergies for the solution of these problems:
Through the analysis of processes, the study, the identification of new models, in the logic of good practices, encourage comparison and cooperation, so that REAL SOLUTIONS are identified that, made available to Governments, Public and Private Bodies, National and Supranational Organizations, are able to bridge the gap between public development policies and the actions of the protagonists.
Through shared thinking, experienced, evaluated in the actions carried out, provide support for the rebirth of a new society that can base its well-being on the assumptions of lasting cooperation, favoring permanent peace processes
Through the sharing of ideas, revolutionary processes and new methodologies are created that aim at harmonizing the relationship between Men, Nations and Planet Earth.
New York, 21 February 2023 – First Promoter: Gaetano Visalli